Hey Zengarmy,
This post might be all over the place because I'm typing in fury, hahah!
As I'm typing this post, we've reached 100k pageviews on this blog!!!
Like, okay, what the actual fuckkk?? Thank you to EVERY SINGLE ONE
OF YOU WHO READ THIS BLOG! My blog analytic tells me that 23k of
my blog readers are from Norway, so tusen takk ("thank you so much"
in Norwegian) to all of you beautiful peeps! (and of course to all of my
other readers heheh!) When I first started this blog I DO NOT EVER think
that readers other than Malaysians would be interested in my blog haha!
(because I swear a little bit too much sometimes & am ULTRA dramatic!)
Speaking of being dramatic though, today's post is a GOOD ONE, hahah.
(warning : you might want to avoid this post if you can't stand drama)
If you're new here, hi what's up how's it going, you might want to read
THIS POST before continuing with this post to know the backstory of this
drama. Prepare some tea & popcorn because things are about to get HOT.
Click HERE to watch the video that I've recorded!
Okay I'm fully aware that this email sounded VERY DRAMATIC (you know
it's dramatic when I mentioned "I'm going to be murdered") hahahahah!
For those of you who are currently reading this post on a mobile device
& cannot even figure out what I've written because the font is so small
(like seriously tho, you should read my posts on PC), you can click onto
the picture to enlarge it in external tabs (you're welcome!). OH BOY do I
sound TOO dramatic in this post? DEFINITELY YES, as I'm looking back at it
right now in my new room (yay!). BUT DO I REGRET TYPING THIS LONG-ASS
EMAIL? DEFINITELY NO! I'm 10/10 proud of making this decision in my life!
By choice, I do not want to revisit the memory of that night anymore,
but for the sake of this blog post, I'll try to recollect as many details as
I possibly can for public entertainment purpose HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

So, as I've mentioned in the email, I was sleeping nice and sound when a loud
noise woke me up ABRUPTLY. And when I mean ABRUPTLY, I meant my heart
legitimately SKIPPED A BEAT. Fortunately, this semester is a honeymoon for
me (only one subject that is 100% assignment-based without final exams),
BUT I couldn't help but think that WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF IT WAS AN EXAM
PERIOD? I would probably pour laxative into that bitch's breakfast the next
morning & wish him all the best for his final exam while he spent 8 hours in
a dirty public toilet crying about how he would get ZERO for his final exam.
Not even going to pretend I'm a saint, this would literally make my day.
I'm smiling from ear to ear just by thinking of it right now hahahahaha!
What happened next after me-being-awaken-by-my-psycho-roommate
was hilarious, and partly my fault. Not going to recommend doing this,
but I kinda did the exact same thing as I mentioned in my last psycho
roommate post — I let him taste his own medicine hahah! He seemed
VERY WELL PREPARED (it seems like he's been lifelessly preparing for
this situation since the last lash out, lol) for my action and started
plugging in his portable bluetooth LOUDSPEAKER. I'm dyyyyyiiiiiinngg

I know, I could have just sit down and have a deep heart-to-heart talk
with him about what's going on in my life and what's going on in his life
and maybe cry a little bit in the end and shake hands with him and say
To some degree I added fuels to this drama, but who doesn't like a bit
of drama in their life to spice things up? (ps: a little bit of drama is fun)
And then, obviously (if you've read the details in the email), the video-recording
happened, & what happened after that was DISTURBING. Seriously, at this point
I understand what all of you guys are concerning about — why didn't the other
2 roommates in the room make a noise about it? — AND OHHH BELIEVE ME, I AM
EQUALLY CURIOUS ABOUT THAT AS YOU GUYS DO! I do not understand whether
(1) they do NOT want to be involved in this noise complaint drama, or (2) they're
just plain dumb & have an EXTREMELY HIGH TOLERANCE with his sound pollution
BULLSHIT. Even my friends who saw my rant on my Snapchat (I update on there
quite frequently so you should follow me there if you're looking forward to my
FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS! Okay lah maybe I was living with one psycho and other 2
robots who are immune to sound pollution, who knows? #lol #confirmtriggered
After recording the video (that used up ALL OF MY PHONE STORAGE MEMORY
because I wanted to make the video AS LONG AS POSSIBLE), I started typing
out a noise complaint email to my hostel management (mind that it was 4:30
a.m. in the morning) because I just cannot even with this bullshit anymore.
For a psycho roommate who's forgotten
about the existence of earphones, I sure
have tolerated enough with him and his
rebellious ego for the past 19 months.
And then a pop-up window on my phone screen told me that the video I was
trying to upload is too big as a file. WHAT AN ANTI-CLIMAX LOL. And while
I was trying to upload the video to my Dropbox, the Shit-Head strolled to
my bedside & just stood there with his head hovering above me like this:

And of course, the most awkward thing happened
— I literally forgot how to spell his fucking name.
(which is not fun when you're trying to complain)
And there he goes, standing beside me (literally skin-close) and telling me
to type his name correctly in the most sarcastic way that he is capable of
(or at least he thinks so). I was like die-laughing inside but when in war,
act as a warrior do. I continued to disregard his presence as if he was
just a bunch of (stinky) air molecules for a couple of minutes, & then
he got really 恼羞成怒 (he turned his shame into anger) and started
getting verbally violent. "Eh why you shivering? You very cold ah?"
I assumed he's trying to imply the fact that I was shivering out of fear,
which I did, at that point of time, worrying about whether he will rush
out of the room into the kitchen to grab a knife and STAB ME TO DEATH.
Oh well, what a great timing for another
anxiety attack! I LOVED having those!
Sometimes I do have to agree that my brain is a great painter of terror.
I waited for a couple more minutes for him to return to his bed,
but to avail. He was literally WAITING for me to get agitated &
punch him in his fugly (= fucking ugly) face, which I have zero
intention to do it at that moment due to my anxiety attack.
I mean, I would have LOVED to punch him right in
the face if it wasn't because of my anxiety attack.
After struggling for a while I can feel that fatigue has walked its way
up to the very top of my brain — and I needed to rest. So I decided to
pretend that I wasn't going to send the email and fell back to my sleep.
— after seeing that all his attempt of agitating me failed to work (it actually
worked but he's too DUMB to know what an anxiety attack is, hahahahaha),
he LITERALLY turned into this fuckboy mode and started trying to pull away
my sleeping mask FROM MY FUCKING FACE! — I slept with a sleeping mask on
to block out most of the blinding lights going on in the room. This didn't help
with my anxiety attack, obviously. I was PRAYING SO HARD THAT HE WOULDN'T
STAB ME TO DEATH. While resisting him trying to pull away my sleeping mask
from me, I heard him saying "you want to complain is it? Great! I also recorded
evidence! Let's complain together!" & I was like huh? simi lanjiao?? dude, what
evidence? Evidence of you trying to murder me is it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M
And then, he said the cringiest thing I could possibly imagine him saying.
"You think you YouTuber dai sai ah?"
( meaning : SO WHAT if you're a YouTuber?! )
I was like : ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I'm an extremely small YouTube online creator who NOBODY barely knows about,
and just by him saying this, I CAN 100% CONFIRM THAT HE'S THE ONE THAT TRIED
( you'll know what I mean if you've read the backstory of this drama )
Oh. My. God. He's. like. the. dumbest. hater. I've. EVER. KNOWN.
If he were to be a serial killer, I bet he would be having an extremely
hard time trying to keep himself anonymous, probably due to stupidity.
At this point my anxiety attack was fully cured by amusement, hahah.
Well, at least he's done something useful rather than sound pollution.

After getting some rest, the first thing
I did in the morning is to quickly send
the email that I've shown you earlier
in this blog post, without hesitation.
(ps: I sent it at 7 a.m. in the morning)
What happened afterwards was not as dramatic (lol) but I might as well
just fill you in (for those of you who can't get enough out of this drama).
So, after sending the email (the video-uploading TAKES FOREVEEERRR),
I woke up immediately and quickly got myself ready to head out of the
house. I called my friend to ask if I can stay over at her hostel & luckily
she said yes. I would literally LOSE MY MIND if I, for some reason, had
to stay with that psycho roommate in the same room for another night.
Like, no thanks. Not even if somebody pays me one million dollars.
Since it was a Sunday when I sent the email, naturally I would have to
wait until Monday to get a response from the hostel management —
& I did receive a call from the admin, first thing in Monday morning!
She was SO NICE AND SWEET and arranged a meeting with me in the
following day. Everything went rather well onward, apart from the
moment when I was WARNED that I would be kicked out of the hostel
if there's any drama between me and the Shit-Head in the future (so
I guess this is legit THE END? haha), as they think that I was making a
fuss out of small matters. I was slightly pissed but I managed to put on
a smiley face throughout the entire meeting, just to get my room change
HOSTEL if it weren't because that my financial situation didn't allow me to
do so. I would 10/10 NOT recommend anyone anymore to live in this hostel,
not because of the psycho roommate (I believe it was just him being stupid)
but because of the fact that the admin was trying to make me feel bad about
launching a noise complaint twice (I was told that I embarrassed the management
because I didn't try to solve this drama without making it a huge fuss). I was like:

Case closed.


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