Hey Zengarmy,
Happy belated Chinese New Year !!!
Okay, today we'll talk about "kiasu" kids, "kiasu" parents, & "kiasu" society.
I've been on "blogging vacation" these past few days because of the new year,
and I wasn't really planning to write this blog post on Chinese New Year, initially,
but I did, anyway, wrote this blog post out of pure frustration.
If you can't understand what "beh tahan" & KIASU is,
you probably aren't Malaysian / Singaporean.
FYI, "beh tahan" means cannot stand ,
and KIASU means afraid to lose (怕输) .
Whenever Chinese New Year comes,
I feel both excited & uneasy at the same time.
Excited because of knowing that the holiday, food & all those good stuff are coming,
I was a little pissed off today, at something.
There's one aunt of mine, (I'll call her "Aunt A")
who always shows off how clever her sons & daughters are.
Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with her showing off.
Although it's a little bit annoying,
but who on earth wouldn't show off when their children are excellent achievers ?
( To be honest, I would too )
The way that she's showing off indirectly
induces other parents' jealousy.
And when everybody is jealous,
they started to compare !!!
And then, they will condemn their child :
" Why can't you be as clever as Aunt A's child ? "
" Go and ask Aunt A's child how to study, so that you can be clever !!! "
" Did you see how clever Aunt A's child is ?! You're not clever because you're lazy !! "
Oh My God. Please bless these children.
Kiasu is a disease of a nation.
We always try to fix something, try to be more successful than the others,
but the thing is : you can't fix what you can't see.
It's our soul that needs the surgery.
Kiasu people never realize how annoying they're.
( I admit that sometimes I'm quite kiasu too )
Remember I always say, to be nice to everyone, it's their choice to deceive you or not.
Just finally realized that the world does not work this way.
The nicer you are, the worse you are treated.
I feel really discouraged at times.
What to do? It really is just life.
I find myself asking myself too many questions.
I always ask myself why this why that, Zeng Teck.
I just found the answer to all my questions.
It's life.
As simple as that.
Who am I to talk about my problems?
There's a plane crash and human getting burnt alive.
Millions of people suffering and starving.
How saddening and how ignorant.
Irony, irony everywhere.
Double standard, double standard everywhere.
Think about this, you'll feel extremely small and tiny, instantly.
I'm so lucky.
We are lucky.
Be reminded that you're lucky.

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