

Hey Zengarmy,

Now that I FINALLY have the time to sit down and write something,
(you wouldn't want to know how I've spent my life for the past few days,
but hint hint — I've to conduct 3 psychology experiments for this semester!)
I think it would only be fair if I post something Halloweeny here on my blog!

In today's blog post, I'm going to share with you guys some Halloween themed
phone & desktop wallpapers that I've designed myself! All of the designs are
totally free to download, however, all designs are for personal use only.
Do not use for commercial purposes.
Do not pass go. Just play nice :)

[ Design 1 ]

( Just simply click and download )

iPhone 5 | iPhone 6/7 | iPhone 6+/7+ | iPad | Desktop

[ Design 2 ]

( Just simply click and download )

iPhone 5 | iPhone 6/7 | iPhone 6+/7+ | iPad | Desktop

[ Design 3 ]

( Just simply click and download )

iPhone 5 | iPhone 6/7 | iPhone 6+/7+ | iPad | Desktop

[ Design 4 ]

( Just simply click and download )

iPhone 5 | iPhone 6/7 | iPhone 6+/7+ | iPad | Desktop

[ Design 5 ]

( Just simply click and download )

iPhone 5 | iPhone 6/7 | iPhone 6+/7+ | iPad | Desktop


 photo zeng teck signature_zpscpamp0ov.jpg
 photo back to top 1_zpsf8bgncs9.png