Hey Zengarmy,
PS : I just want to put it out there that I spent almost an hour
trying to design this freaking thumbnail! ONE FREAKING HOUR!
If you're anything like me and you always like to procrastinate and
put things off until the eleventh hour (for example, your annual
Halloween outfit), today's blog post might be your life savior!

Yes. What better way to celebrate
Halloween other than transforming
yourself into Harley Quinn(Queen)?
Ever since the release of the movie Suicide Squad earlier this year in August,
(I wrote a full review for that movie btw, you can click HERE to read that!)
Harley Quinn has been captivating almost everyone in the Earth population
that has watched the movie with her witty, crazy & colorful personality
— which makes her the PERFECT CANDIDATE for your 2016 Halloween look
this year! I find her makeup pretty versatile as it looks good on both girls
as well as guys, so yeah, #HarleyQuinnForGenderEqualityForAll :P :P :P
Here are a few shots from BTS, enjoy!

How many of you guys are dressing up
as Harley Quinn for this Halloween?
Let me know in the comments what
you'll be dressing up as this year!


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