Hey Zengarmy,L O N G T I M E N O S E E ! ! !
I haven't been blogging recently, sorry for that.
( If you read my PREVIOUS BLOG POST you'll know why )
It's been a while since I last blogged,
( well, numerically 7.5 days )
I guess I've sorted out my life better,
and I'm ready to come back happier!
I want to firstly start this post by saying thank you.
Thank you to those who didn't forget me while I'm away from blogging & YouTube.
Thank you to those of you who have stood by me,
through everything I've done these past months being on Blogger & YouTube,
Those of you who don't judge me & understand me for who I am,
And those of you who stop me in the street and tell me that
you watched my videos & read my blog.
There are so many of you whom I know, understand how to be happy people,
and in turn, you spread your happiness and use the internet for good. Thank you.
Today I want to talk about "Hate On The Internet".
It's probably nothing you would ever want to read on my blog,
but I feel necessary to write it out.
Have you ever tried blocking someone from your social media ?
I believe most of you guys do.
Like seriously, I blocked quite a number of people
on my Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
There are definitely a few reasons behind this action,
some are quite personal reasons, while some are not.
And without further ado, I'm going to show you a few types of people
that I would possibly block without a single hesitation on the Internet.
1. People who like to make wild guesses
& accusation based on what you wrote,
And then start to spread rumors about it.
Okay, I'm definitely not the only one who hates these kind of people.
These kind of people are good for nothing.
They like to stalk people & spread rumors.
Don't get me wrong,
there's nothing wrong with getting up-to-date on news from your friends,
but some people are just WAY too overboard & carried away.
Talking about it serves no purposes, I better give examples.
For instance, there's one time when I wrote about negative thoughts on my Facebook.
I don't remember what exactly had I wrote,
but it has got to be something a little bit related to suicidal thoughts.
( T H A T ' S T Y P I C A L L Y M E ,
I F Y O U H A V E N ' T K N O W B Y N O W )
When I was writing, I write out on spot.
I never have the luxury of time to think about "how suicidal it would look like"
And then the trouble comes,
after about an hour since I posted that particular status on my Facebook,
my mom received a call from relatives.
And she kept pulling a worried face all day long & told me to be more positive.
I instinctively knew that something was wrong, but I kept quiet.
Someone must have told something to her,
making mountains out of molehill.
That makes me wonder a lot about privacy on Facebook.
That's when I realize that Facebook is not a safe place to share your feelings,
In fact, it's a hypocritical place where you can
I don't think it's fair for some people.
It's totally normal for people to get emotional sometimes,
( especially if you're an easily anxious person like me )
If this incident only happened once,
I wouldn't resort to unfriending & blocking.
But what irritates me is that : This happens everytime!
Walao-eh please lah, you all got nothing better to do with your life is it?
Why so "kepo" ? Hahahahaha
So I took the action & unfriended a few of my "suspicious" relatives on Facebook.
And POOF! There goes the annoying voices!
I don't think there's anything wrong with me doing this.
The thing is, you are responsible for your own happiness.
As long as it's not illegal, please do whatever that will make you happier.
I can assure you very firmly that :
Sometimes, it's better for them to know less, than to know everything.
2. People who like to spam.
Sometimes I wanna ask these kind of people :
Do you know that it's ILLEGAL to spam people ?
What I meant by spamming in this context
is when people whom you don't know, bugging you non-stop.
Let me tell you, this happens everywhere.
Some people are just so nuisance,
and they kept asking you to buy their products or like their fan page.
Sometimes I wonder are these fake accounts or people whom are paid to do so ?
And ... ohhh!
Another thing that really annoyed me is GAME & APP INVITES.
Can you guys please stop sending me those crap ?!!!
Thank you, aligato, terima kasih, 谢谢.
3. Haters.
People who hate you for no reason.
They're probably jealous of your success,
so they leave bad comments everytime you posted something.
Luckily I haven't met these kind of people yet,
but that doesn't mean that I WON'T MEET THEM FOREVER.
Let's hope that all the haters never existed okay?
( N O T F U N N Y )
4. Copycats.
Let's be honest,
neither anyone of us likes copycats.
Copycats are people who copied everything you've written or posted,
Don't bite too hard into it.
I know that sometimes coincidence DO happen,
I don't exclude that possibility.
But if it happens everytime, something's FISHY.
It's not a bad thing to obtain inspiration from other people's work.
And sometimes, we all know that copying things is far lot more easier.
( we all do that sometimes when we're doing assignments don't we? )
But it's not something glory if you're doing this at a long term.
If you're copying, at least make some changes okay ? (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・✧
"To err is human, to forgive divine."
5. Creepy people.
Okay this one is epic.
I don't detest weird people because me myself is a weirdo.
I don't talk a lot in real life & I pretty much like to stay alone all the time hahaha.
But that's okay you know,
Embrace your weirdness. STOP LABELING, START LIVING.
Back to the point,
The term "Creepy people" I meant here are people
who assumed profanity & nudity as something normal.
You know what I mean ?
I never met these people before,
but a few of my friends unfortunately met them online.
They show the pictures of their d**k to my friends on Facebook messanger !!!
H O W R I D I C U L O U S I S T H A T ? !
The safest thing to do when you encounter these kind of circumstances,
is to IGNORE them thoroughly & BLOCK them immediately.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading this blog post.
And I hope that this doesn't turned out OFFENSIVE to some people.
I just want to let you guys know that I write whatever that comes out of my mind,
And I don't mean to be nasty okay ?
Alright I'll see you guys in my next blog post.
S T A Y A W S O M E Z E N G A R M Y .

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