Hey Zengarmy,
I feel like blogging today,
one of the reason is probably because my exam is just around the corner,
and I need to write something to vent my frustration,
and ANOTHER REASON ...... ?
" GLEE IS ENDING !!! :( "
My heart is literally broken.
When I first started watching the first season of "Glee" back in 2009,
(when I was in Form 2)
I basically went through my whole high school with this show,
and it taught me to be myself and go for what I dreamed.
And in college I truly discovered who I was and became stronger than I ever was.
People can say what they want about Glee,
but it won't change the fact that it has changed people in ways they can’t even imagine.
It changed me for the better, it made me realize that being different is a good thing.
It’s what makes us who we are.
We should never be afraid to be ourselves,
to go after our dreams and always keep believing.
Stand up for what we believe in and stand up for our loved ones.
Follow our hearts. That is what this show has taught me and I will forever cherish that.
I will forever be grateful that it introduced me to such great, diverse music
that otherwise I would have never known of.
And lead me to discover such great talent and beautiful people.
Okay, writing all these basically makes my eyes teary again.
So, without further ado,
let's get started with :
20. "Lucky"
19. "Girl On Fire"
18. "We Are The Champions"
17. "Telephone"
16. "We Are Young"
15. "Smooth Criminal"
14. "Singing In The Rain" + "Umbrella"
13. "Beautiful"
12. "Dog Days Are Over"
11. "Jar Of Hearts"
10. "Valerie"
9. "All Out Of Love"
8. "Born This Way"
7. "Raise Your Glass"
6. "Marry You"
5. "Rumor Has It" + "Someone Like You"
4. "This Time"(Original)
3. "I Lived"
2. "Make You Feel My Love"
1. "Don't Stop Believing"
T H E E N D .
After watching the last episode of the final season of Glee,
I cried for about 2 hours straight listening to "This Time" and "I Lived" from Glee.
Glee was my inspiration and it was like a second home for me.
Watching Glee made me feel so happy and joyful,
it is just so sad to say goodbye.
I have been on an amazing journey with Glee and I love it so much !!!!!
I might not have watched every season or have been the biggest Gleek,
but I'm very sure that I'm going to miss this show.

#glee #gleegoodbye