Hey Zengarmy,
- D I S C L A I M E R -
This blog post was written long time ago back in November 2015.
I (originally) didn't plan for this blog post to go live on my blog ... BUT!
Noticed there's a BIG BUT here? That's exactly why you're reading this post.
As I was scrolling through my blog archive full of my unpublished blog posts,
I figured WHY NOT? Why the absofuckinglutely did I NOT post this??
Yeah, I may regret posting this but in the end of the day, this is my blog.
And I am allowed to post whatever I want as long as it's not nude photos.
So, ladies and gentlemen, HERE WE GO!
This is a message to all of my unfollowers.
(Skip this blog post if you're not into rant)

I'm writing this blog post in AWE. I can't stand it NO MORE!
All it takes is one more unfollower & I will puke in front of your face.
I know this is such a first world problem to rant about, but I don't care no shit.
I spent 6 hours contemplating whether I should post this or not. And I decided to.
Before you get your questions out, let me just quickly fill you in my situation.
I've been trying REALLY HARD to grow my Instagram account for 3 years. 3 YEARS!
At first it was really rewarding. Until things changed since the beginning of this year.

This is the entire data from September 2015 to November 2015.
I started tracking my Instagram followers count since September,
and look at what I've got! 438 UNFOLLOWERS IN 3 MONTHS?!
Wow. I don't even know people hate me this much.
What pisses me off the MOST is that I COULD HAVE GOTTEN
I used to enjoy using Instagram but now it pisses me off SO frequently.
Today I'm going to show you (in my case) the frustrating side of being an Instagrammer.
First off, according to my observation, there are mainly 2 kinds of people on Instagram:
(1) Those who love creating & posting new pictures everyday (aka Instagrammer) and,
(2) Those who simply create an Instagram account to follow/stalk celebrities.
I used to be the latter, but not for too long, once I've found my inner passion
for creating aesthetically pleasing contents for other people to enjoy looking at.
Hence, here starts my journey of becoming an Instagrammer. It was fun at first,
I've been on Instagram since 2013 and I can legitimately say that
the amount of people who followed me is EQUAL to people who unfollowed me.
How crazy is THAT?! I used to believe that people unfollow me because my photos
aren't good, but soon I realize that most people unfollow because they're JEALOUS.
Jealous of what? You might ask. Jealous of the amount of followers & likes I have.
(that obviously they didn't have so they decided to unfollow me to piss me off)
And I'm not saying this without a proof! I downloaded the unfollowers tracking app
and it shows that the rate of people unfollowing me increases as my account grows.
I used to be able to get 100++ followers in a day BUT NOW that never happens.
Now there are not even 50 people following me in a MONTH! I feel so bummed!
Well, obviously part of the reason boils down to the changed policy of Instagram.
No longer does Instagram promote new accounts that efficiently anymore.
Now it seems like only freaking hashtags can help others discover my photos.
And people get pissed off when I use hashtags! I bet they must be thinking:
"Oh. @zengteck uses hashtags AGAIN. He MUST be a fame-wannabe. Let me unfollow him."
I am so pissed off right now that I'm actually laughing at the monologue.
I am not even kidding. For every 10 followers I get, 8 people are going to unfollow.
Right now if I post an instagram photo, 15 minutes later there's going to be an unfollower.
So bummed. I used to constantly follow people so that they would discover my account
I seriously feel like people are only going to follow me if I show my butt cleavage.
But I'm obviously not going to do that. I have no figures to show off anyways.
Does anyone like to see my skinny ass and chicken legs? Nope I don't think so.
People who don't put in as much effort as me can easily gain followers
if they posted half-naked pictures of themselves or show off their Gucci bags.
Where is the justice? How about MY EFFORT of editing the lightings of my pictures?
Did it all go down the drain if I didn't show off my butt cleavage & penis line? huh?
I guess the purpose of this blog post is to mainly express my anger & the fact that
how hard it is to be recognized on Instagram nowadays if you're not famous/hot.
Unfortunately, I have no angelic face & hot body to show off.
And I'm not exceptionally good at photoshopping myself tbh.
I feel like I can keep on going & going & babbling for another hour.
But I ain't going to. Cause I'm not going to let those unfollowers drag me down!
I'll keep on posting contents on my Instagram until my fans outweight the unfollowers.
Until then, I'm going to keep on blocking those who unfollow me because:
(1) they deserved to be blocked, and (2) they don't deserve to see my contents.
I feel like as I'm writing this blog post, another 10 person is going to unfollow me
either because I don't follow them back or because they're just plain jealous of me.
All I had to do is just tracking their accounts at the tip of my fingers & block them.
As easy as ABC. Stop unfollowing me or else I'll bite you. Take note of that, unfollowers.


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