Hey Zengarmy,
"Because you know I'm all about that bass,
bout that bass, no treble."
If you can only think of this song when you heard Meghan Trainor's name,
Since Meghan Trainor's debut single "All About That Bass"
grabbed the No.1 seat on Billboard out of no where,
I begin to learn more about her music.
I'm excited to say that :
She has a very gifted, story-telling voice,
that you'll be deeply mesmerized & begin to contemplate on the lyrics in no time.
That explains why "All About That Bass" is a worldwide successful song.
The lyrics talked about body appreciation,
which sadly is lacking among the society nowadays.
And poof !!
This ignites a fire among the teenagers.
Everybody started to realize that body sizes don't actually matter that much,
and girls shouldn't go anorexic when people tell them that they're fat.
Meghan Trainor is definitely a "bombshell" in 2014 !!
( along with Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Iggy Azalea & Charli XCX )
One thing that I find outstanding in Meghan compare to other artists is :
She has an incredible versatility in different music genres,
that enables her to go from country music to pop, R&B and even rap !!!
I certainly adore Meghan's music & her bubbly personality,
but some haters out there seems to think that she's
"using fat people to be famous since she's not obese but claiming that she's fat",
which I think is totally a RIDICULOUS STATEMENT.
People who truly loves music judges voice, not appearances.
And can I just say something from my deep heart core ?
T H I S A L B U M I S I N C R E D I B L E !
I would give this album a 7.3 out of 10 marks.
There's a total of 15 tracks in this album,
which is in ascending order as listed below :
▶ The Best Part (Interlude)
▶ All About That Bass
▶ Dear Future Husband
▶ Close Your Eyes
▶ 3 AM
▶ Like I'm Gonna Lose You (ft. John Legend)
▶ Bang Dem Sticks
▶ Walkashame
▶ Title
▶ What If I
▶ Lips Are Movin
▶ No Good For You
▶ Mr. Almost (ft. Shy Carter)
▶ My Selfish Heart
▶ Credit
* The highlighted tracks are my personal favorite !! *
a few of my friends aren't that mesmerized by Meghan Trainor,
and surprisingly think that Meghan's song is a nuisance.
( which certainly puzzles me, who on earth will hate her voice ??? )
So I asked them why & what's the reason behind,
and almost all of them think that she's just another one-hit-wonder,
just like Carly Rae Jepsen.
I kinda agree with them (only some parts).
One thing I find pity about this album "Title" is that :
Some tracks' background vocal style are pretty repetitive,
which you can more or less hear the obvious repetition in
"All About That Bass", "Lips Are Movin", "Dear Future Husband" & "Walkashame".
I still love all of these 4 songs hahaha.
Meghan Trainor still rocks no matter what haters said.
#ForeverMegatronz ☺
P.S. : I made 2 covers of Meghan's hits on YouTube !!!
Click on the link below to hear it :) xoxo
▶ "All About That Bass" - Meghan Trainor | ZengTeck (Cover)
▶ "Lips Are Movin" - Meghan Trainor | ZengTeck (Lyric Cover)
See you soon in my next blogpost, Zengarmy.