Hey Zengarmy,
This blog post is going to be a PURE RANT,
which means that I'm going to talk about a few
negative things happening in my life right now,
SO if you're not a fan of listening to a rant,
kindly click out of this blog post before you proceed ;)
I'm currently writing this blog post when I shouldn't be writing a blog post.
My finals are coming in just a week's time but I'm up in the midnight blogging.
That's how spontaneous I am. You can now tell that I take my blog very seriously.
Sometimes it ridicules me to think that how somebody I've NEVER met in real life
can judge me based on a single video that I've posted on my YouTube channel.
I don't REALLY mind if they commented constructive comments to tell me
where I should improve on my video quality, audio quality, posture & stuffs,
FYI these are NOT the only 4 hate comments I get throughout my entire YouTube journey.
There are tonnes of other nasty comments I get from random strangers calling me
And the funniest thing is, the 3rd and 4th hate comments actually come from
my little cousin. I don't know if he's trying to prank me or pull my leg,
but ain't nobody got time for contemplating hate comments. I blocked him.
That's how I deal with hatreds from other people. I block them.
No matter who they are, not even taking into account of kinship.
I'm not even going to hide their names, because they deserve to be seen.
I want everyone to know how hideous these people are online.
Some may call me inconsiderate.
But let me tell you, I've had enough struggle with my anxiety.
I've had enough with hating myself when I look into the mirror.
I've had enough with deleting my content just because somebody hate it.
I want to feel good in my own skin. I want to be grateful to be just me!
Even though I positioned myself as an online public figure, a vlogger,
this doesn't mean that others can freely attack me for what I do.
I loved singing (for my entire life) and I never said that I'm very good at it,
I posted videos on my YouTube channel because I feel like it.
Making YouTube videos helped me to explore my creativity.
And I believe there ARE people out there who like me for who I am,
not just because they've known me for 19 years BUT because they feel
connected with the contents that I've created on my blog & YouTube channel.
Phewww. It feels good to get these off my chest. Now I feel a lot better.
Before I end this blog post I want you to know that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.
You are beautiful in your OWN way. So don't try to fit in with the rest.
You're so going to regret that when you're on your dead bed.
Stay curious. Explore. And don't be afraid to be alone.
Sometimes NOBODY is going to be there with you,
but I want you to know that you CAN do a lot of amazing things
without having a boyfriend/girlfriend in order to complete your life.
I hope you're doing good with your life. And I hope I am, too.

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