Hey Zengarmy,
In the place that I'm currently living in (Malaysia),
Halloween isn't hugely celebrated, which is a sad thing :(
Yes, Halloween celebration still exists in Malaysia, just not common.
The closest thing that Malaysians can do to get into the festive mood
is to go to a theme park with temporary Halloween decorations, lol.
Hence, to make myself fully getting into the mood of Halloween,
I decided to film a last minute Halloween makeup tutorial on my YouTube channel!
I'm always fascinated by all things related to Halloween.
Witch hat, witch broom, black cat, vampire fang, demonic contact lenses,
There's something so special about everything related to Halloween that
I can't seem to resist, especially Halloween makeup tutorials on YouTube.
Now, don't be a jerk and say makeup is ONLY for women. Come on, it's 2015 ;)
EVERYBODY can play with makeup. Stop being a sexist.
*rolling eyes emoji*
Not trying to be rude here but, if you want to leave nasty comments
telling me makeup is only for girls not boys & boys should be joining army
that kind of stuff, you can get out of my blog right now, thank you :D
Where was I again? Oh, Halloween makeup tutorials on YouTube!
I love watching Halloween-related videos to get into the festive mood,
and one thing I love about YouTube is that it's a lovely community where
everybody from all around the globe celebrates festival seasons TOGETHER!
During this time of the year, I enjoy watching videos especially from
graveyadgirl, Glam&Gore, Michelle Phan, and Zoella because they are SO festive!
Okay I'm getting a little bit TOO excited here.

To be honest, I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to recreate
one of the Halloween looks from Michelle Phan's tutorial this year.
I never get the chance to try to put on proper Halloween makeup
because (a) my family don't celebrate Halloween, and
(b) people around me have the stereotypical thinking that
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla.
I don't think I need to further discuss that anymore ;)
The moment I watched Michelle Phan's Tokyo Ghoul video,
I was like damn girl I am definitely going to recreate that on ma face!
AND SO I DID. YAY! For this Halloween look that I've recreated,
I used sharpie because I can't get hold of any cheap eyeliner or face paint,
and I don't want to waste my money just to draw on my face for a video and then
wash it off in like 5 minutes because ain't nobody is going out with scary makeup.
Simply said, it would be a waste because I don't usually use eyeliner in daily life.
HOWEVER, I do not encourage you guys to use sharpie to draw on your skin
too often because even though sharpie is NOT harmful to human body,
our skin is still super permeable to any chemicals in liquid form (etc. mercury).
We don't want any side effects out of drawing too much on the skin using sharpie.
Since I'm just doing this once in a while, I figured that it would be okay,
but if you (or your sister) have eyeliner or face paint, definitely use that!
To recreate this look, you'll need :
☣ A black eyeliner / face paint / sharpie
☣ White face paint + foundation / BB cream
(ideally few shades lighter than your skin tone)
☣ An orange eyeliner / face paint / sharpie
☣ Matte brown eyeshadow / noseshadow
☣ Matte face highlighter (preferably not shiny)
☣ Eyebrow pencil (optional)
All of the steps are already shown in my video,
but I thought I would give you a run-through of the steps now.
It doesn't have to be in particular order tho, you can do it however you like ;)
The only principle for SCARY Halloween makeup look is that you have to
look like a dead people, that's all it takes. So avoid too much of shiny elements.
Unless you want to be a fairy or sexy cat for Halloween, ain't nobody use glitters!
Obviously, I start off with my BB cream to whiten my face.
However, I find out that BB cream doesn't do much in creating pale skin,
so I would recommend you guys to mix up white face paint with foundation instead.
After that, slather that dark brown eyeshadow messily under your eyes near
your dark circle area to create that hollow look, leaving your eye lid bare.
Don't worry too much about perfection here, it's meant to be messy.
I got my shadow from Daiso, and it's actually a warm-toned bronze shadow,
so I basically looked like a kawaii ghost instead of a really scary ghost. #FAIL.
Lesson learned. Cheap stuff always fail to meet satisfaction.
I then continued with contouring my face,
deepening my under-cheekbone area with brown shadow,
and highlighting my cheekbones with white shadow/highlighter.
Go all out with the contour. The more dramatic the better.
It's the only time of the year when nobody would judge you for being dramatic.
After doing the base, it's time for drawing fake blood, blood veins and fake eyes.
I won't go too further here since I've already shown everything in my video.
A useful tip here is to start off with small little strokes and slowly build up.
It's always easier to build up colors THAN to take off colors :D
Overall, I'm quite satisfied with this look.
It's definitely not perfect, that's why I asked you guys
to watch Michelle Phan's tutorial because it's more professional.
However if you're going for an unprofessional look you can consider mine hahahah!
Alrighty! That's all for this blog post. I'll see you guys in my next one. Bye!
Don't forget to leave a comment if you're trying out my version :)
I would definitely love to hear from you guys! Until then, stay fierce!

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