Hey Zengarmy,
Have you ever felt like you have SO MANY THINGS to do you need to build a factory
full of clones of yourself to get things done?! That's what I've been doing for the
past few days (I mean, not the cloning part but the so-many-things-to-do part).
The past few days had been a series of tornadoes wiping across my sanity! I had my
assignment due on last Friday (it's a paper on history of Psychology & the topic that
I've chosen is about the historical development of the concepts of personality and
chronotype — and I'm pretty pleased with my work!). Then, straight after that, I
volunteered at an event called Pink Wig-A-Thon Charity Run as a helper with my
friend for the next two days (last Saturday & Sunday) 😭 This is how university life
sabotages your sleeping schedule from lark to owl, just in case you're wondering.
PS: The event is aimed to raise awareness on breast cancer, so basically all the
participants had to wear a pink wig (as sign of salutation to all the breast cancer
survivors that went through chemotherapy) while running in a marathon. It was
cute but as a volunteered helper LET ME TELL YOU GURL EVERYTHING IS FUCKED
UP & SO UNORGANISED. The event was a collaboration between two organisations
(which shall not be named herein) and I don't think they communicated very well
(or at all) with each other. It was an overall bad volunteer experience, but oh well.
Anyway, I did a similarly themed post called "Valentine's Moodboard 2017" many
months ago & you guys seemed to REALLY LIKE IT! (It's now one of my most-read
post on this blog!) Hence, I decided to do another moodboard themed around Fall
today — even though there's no Fall in Malaysia, which is totally saddening 😩
((( To fully immerse, turn on the song )))

// P h o t o S o u r c e s //
Zeng Teck
( www.tumblr.com )
Jared Tyler
Jesse Herzog
I got most of these photos from Tumblr a while ago so I forgot the source
for most of the original photos. If your photo is featured is this post and
you would like to be credited, please feel free to drop me an email at
zengteck@gmail.com (I will get back to you as soon as possible!)