Hey Zengarmy,
It's less than 24 hours before Christmas !
When it comes to December,
the first thing that comes into my mind is Christmas !
Christmas is always my favorite time of the year.
When it comes to December,
the first thing that comes into my mind is Christmas !
Christmas is always my favorite time of the year.
People are always much more cheery,
everything looks so pretty and wintery,
and fairy lights are scattered everywhere.
I woke up today with Christmas carol whistling in my brain unstoppably. (again)
Although I'm not a Christian, I love Christmas !
( probably because of all the holiday mood compilation haha )
All of these positive Christmas vibes inspired me to write up this blog post today.
Since December is almost over,
it's time for me to wrap up everything I loved during this month.
P . S . :
The run up to Christmas always seems to last a while,
and then you blink, and it's all over.
Where does the time go ?
( or technically every December )
C H R I S T M A S S O N G S .
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Photo courtesy of Carrie Brighton. |
If you know me very well,
you'll know that I'd always have this habit of
installing all Christmas songs into my phone on December 1st,
so that I can listen to them every night in my bed until Christmas eve.
After Christmas is over, I then uninstall the songs until next Christmas arrives.
( WELCOME TO MY MIND. It's just a habit, don't judge me hahaha )
here are few of my current favorite Christmas songs
that invaded my Christmas playlist top chart this year :
▶ "Santa Tell Me" - Ariana Grande
▶ "The Perfect Christmas" - Daniela Andrade
▶ "Let It Snow" - Daniela Andrade
▶ "Jingle Bells" - Michael Bublé & The Puppini Sisters
▶ "Frosty The Snowman" - Michael Bublé & The Puppini Sisters
▶ "All I Want For Christmas Is You" - Mariah Carey
▶ "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" - Michael Bublé
▶ "Holly Jolly Christmas" - Michael Bublé
▶ "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" - Michael Bublé
▶ "Santa Clause Is Coming To Town" - Michael Bublé
( Yes. My playlist is overloaded with Michael Bublé haha )
C H R I S T M A S P H O T O E D I T I N G .
Okay, I have to admit :
I'm obsessed with Christmassy effects that overlay on my photos.
I discovered this website www.picmonkey.com not too long ago,
and let me tell you : THIS WEBSITE IS A WONDERLAND !!!
( Calm down, Zeng Teck, calm down )
Picmonkey is an online free photo editing website,
where you can edit your photos with tonnes of different effects.
( including Christmas theme, of course )
I'm so in love with this website because not only is it free of charge,
it's also super easy to use & very organised in terms of interface.
You can upload your photo from your computer onto the website,
Once you edited the photo,
you can save it to your computer as a new image!
As easy as 123 !
*this is not sponsored*
V L O G M A S .
If you are not familiar with YouTube,
you may not know where this word came from.
"Vlogmas" is basically a word combination of
"Video Blogging" & "Christmas",
where a person record his/her daily life
starting from the 1st of December until the 24th of December,
more or less like an online diary.
It's fun to have a peep into other people's life,
hear them talking & inject a tinge of Christmas spirit into our life.
Vlogging has slowly becoming a trend lately,
billions of people enjoy watching them & I'm no exception mwahahaha!!!
I tried to vlog once, but people in public think that I'm a freak hahaha.
Indeed, it's a little bit weird to see people holding camera & filming themselves.
I did end up posting my vlog on my YouTube channel,
but I haven't been able to keep up with the courage to vlog in public lol.
C H R I S T M A S P R E S E N T W R A P P I N G .
Who doesn't like Christmas presents ?!
H O T C H O C O L A T E .
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Photo courtesy of Carrie Brighton. |
Who doesn't love a nice cup of hot chocolate
to warm up themselves during cold & snowy nights ?
in Malaysia we don't have snow & winter.
But having a cup of hot chocolate during rainy nights is always a good idea!
I'm actually quite sad when I think that 2014 is almost over.
There are those few days for some of us between Christmas and the New Year
for you to relax, watch tonnes of films and eat plenty of Christmas treats,
as well as all the sale shopping.
I almost don't want this lovely mid-week to end.
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas, and that 2015 will be a good one.
I have yet to decide whether I will be making any resolutions (I never do).
Let me know what the highlights of your Christmas were & what did you get?