Hey Zengarmy,
I don't exactly know why I'm writing this blog post.
I'm feeling pretty worried right now.
I have this dilemma at the moment where
I'm just freaked out when I suddenly realize that :
I am turning 19 & becoming an adult.
Damn. I never wanted to be an adult.
Most of the people at my age CAN'T WAIT to be adults,
but I guess I'm just different (and a little bit weird).
Call me childish or ignorant or childishly ignorant,
but children get all the privileges that adults don't get.
Don't you agree ???
So, I graduated from A-Levels. Yay.
It took me some time to get over the fact that A NEW CHAPTER HAS BEGUN.
I get all these weird mixture of feelings when I flicked through the photos
that I've taken with my course mates during the prom night.
I would be feeling GLAD because I've completed A-Levels,
( A-Level is a nightmare, I won't go into details. )
but then I would be feeling SAD after feeling glad for 30 seconds.
I'm not exactly sure how am I going to deal with my adulthood, to be honest.
I don't like night clubs, I hate alcohols, I hate cigarettes.
The only point that adulthood appeals to me is that
I get to watch PG-18 rated movies without being judged.
I'm happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.
It's miserable and magical.